Tuesday 8 January 2019

Examples of my writing

Here are two pieces I wrote for Green Living Magazine.

This link is to the first ever article written about Purolator's electric delivery vehicles.

And here's an article I wrote about e-Bikes. The article is now ten years old, but it's more to show my writing style.

the second Earth changes! documentary series

the Earth changes! made it into a few festivals and apparently, Woody Harrelson saw a copy and remarked that this video; "should be in every Blockbusters in America." But I knew the message needed more work. So I spent another two years doing more interviews and re-editing the movie. This versoin ended up winning Honorable Mention at EarthVision'98 in California and ended up being used in every University and Cegep cross Canada until An Inconvenient Truth came out. 
Each episode lasts 35 minutes. I made this version for High School student, though it ended up being used in Universities for years.  

Rock Videos

Here are a few rock videos I shot/edited and directed. They're all low-budget, but show how much we can get done on low budgets! Here's a bare-bones video for Three O'Clock Train a Montreal band that was quite popular in the 80's.

And here's a video for a band called CGB which also shows some low-budget magic (camera/editing/art design/collage):

Lastly here's another Three O'Clock Train video (again camera/editing/collage/green screen...)

The Greening of Rock and Roll.

One of my first jobs "greening" large projects were rock festivals. I had the opportunity to turn Bonnaroo (80,000 attendees in Tennessee) into the greenest festival in North America.
Over four years we took them off 75,000 gallons of diesel-- first to biodiesel, then to wind-offset electricity, finally to a 50KW solar photovoltaic array which leads to a near-net zero CO2 festival. After a few years working with Bonaroo it was starting to generate a lot of attention even back in Montreal. 


Once the press started writing about the work I got hired to green New York City's River2River summer festival, Osheaga (they wanted to switch from Diesel to Biodiesel, I convinced them to leap to electricity so for 10 years now they have not been emitting CO2 for Osheaga, HeavyMTL, and Picnique Electronique! 

Project Soleil - the greenest design for mixed-use real estate devlopment (perhaps a little too early)

After Transport Canada refused to let my EVs on the road, I got hired to coordinate this mixed-use eco development on Ste Catherine street named Project Soleil. We had designed the greenest development in Montreal, perhaps all of Canada. Each condo's south-facing balconies would turn into greenhouses for the winter. While the project ended up being mothballed, the CHMC used our integrated design process as the model for Green Charette for the next decade

the Earth changes! ...the video that started it all

This is a two-part feature documentary I made from 1993-1997 on solutions for climate change. Many of the solutions seemed "out there" when first screening this movie in festivals in 1997. Now most of them are well known, though not all of them still...

Very first EV company!

As a spin-off from "the Earth changes" movies, I got to start Earthchange Technologies LLC and started importing electric scooters, ATVs and stand-up scooters (like the Bird and Lime). Unfortunately, this was three years before Transport Canada decided to allow electric scooters (with limited speeds) and we had to shut down. But the response from the media was so strong we knew we had to continue with the green innovations!